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Skidmore College

Giving Creatively: Katie Riker Sternberg ’90

April 28, 2024
by Katie Rocque


凯蒂·瑞克·斯滕伯格,90年代的高管领导力教练,忠诚的 Skidmore Fund 多年来,创造性思维意味着她要思考如何继续下去 对学生在火博体育的学习经历产生持久的影响,同时也支持 individuals with autism — a cause that transformed her family’s life.

斯滕伯格和丈夫埃里希是一名保险公司高管,他们从小就积极参与 在宗教和教育团体中,他们的家庭是其中的一部分. Contributing 时间、才能和财富对他们的家庭来说仍然是重要的承诺; 如今,他们的重点是在自闭症群体中做出有意义的改变. 

In 2001, their then 3-year-old son, Jake, was diagnosed with autism; their daughter, Hallie, was a newborn. At the time of Jake’s diagnosis, the family was living in Louisiana, where few support services were available. In true Skidmore fashion, Sternberg took 行动,学习不同的治疗方案和治疗服务,这样她和 Erich could begin building a support network of their own. As Jake grew older and 斯滕伯格夫妇发现了帮助他成功的秘诀,有一件事变得清晰起来: 有才能、热情、合格的支持和医疗专业人员是必不可少的. 如今,斯滕伯格一家与火博体育的关系依赖于这个家族的坚定承诺 to supporting the autistic community.

2021年,斯滕伯格夫妇创建了凯瑟琳·里克·斯滕伯格90和埃里希·斯滕伯格 火博体育临床现场经验和社区参与基金. The fund supports experiential learning opportunities for psychology 想要直接在自闭症和发育障碍领域工作的学生 communities. 学生可以申请资金来帮助他们在一系列领域,包括 临床实习和社区参与机会,交通,学术 support materials, summer housing, and internship stipends.

心理学高级教学教授Rachel Mann-Rosan 1994年的研究 自闭症和发育障碍社区激发了这个家庭的礼物. 

斯滕伯格夫妇的慷慨为他们提供了更多的机会,改变了游戏规则 对于有兴趣获得临床实践经验的学生,他们可能没有 been able to participate in the past.”
Rachel Mann-Rosan ’94
Senior Teaching Professor of Psychology

In its first two years, the Sternberg Fund has helped 14 students gain clinical field experiences through the Psychology Department. 这些机会包括支持个人和他们的家庭 在家与一群人一起工作,在一个专门的夏令营 to assisting children on the autism spectrum.

“Having a chance to work with the kids at Camp Reece was more than rewarding; it really 让我觉得我对那里孩子们的生活产生了影响,” Justin Zitelli ’23 says of his clinical field experience. “My experience allowed me 进一步加深我在临床心理学领域的知识,并证实了我的 希望与患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD),多动症(注意力不集中)的儿童一起工作 deficit/hyperactivity disorder), and anxiety.”

Experiences like that of Zitelli are what Sternberg was hoping for.

At Skidmore, I recognized my intellectual power. It has been important to me to give 为现在和未来的火博体育学生提供智力和创造力 building blocks the College provided to me.”
Katie Sternberg '90

“斯滕伯格基金代表了我丈夫埃里希和我的战略意图 成立,将我们的慈善事业重点放在自闭症服务的能力建设上。” said Sternberg, who graduated as an English major and history minor. "Through creative 经过深思熟虑和合作,我们能够将我们对Skidmore的支持与这个想法联系起来 想要在一个文理学院培养能力,而不是研究生, 不是通过数据或研究,而是通过建立职业定义经验 想要在社区中有所作为的学生,这对我们的家庭非常重要.

在杰克周围的人们的支持和奉献下,他现在住在 a private home with two housemates near Katie and Erich in Chicago. He finds fulfillment 他在当地一家动物收容所工作,志愿为儿童和成人朗读 disabilities, and is also working toward an associate degree.

斯特恩伯格夫妇希望他们创建的基金能让火博体育的学生们 参与将对个人产生持久影响的变革体验 like Jake for years to come.

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